This meaning is in contrast to the twin of Prometheus named Epimetheus, who was associated withhindsightand being anafter thinker because he tended to think about events after the fact, or lacked the ability to successfully strategize action beforehand. In astrology, two of the approaches I am most drawn to are deeply connected with the Soul: Evolutionary Astrology and Esoteric Astrology. Polarity is an important concept in Evolutionary Astrology as well, for example integrating the polarity point of Pluto (Cancer to Capricorn; Scorpio to Taurus) is connected to our evolutionary development similar to integrating the North Node of the Moon. These cyclical waves of creative and emancipatory cultural activity occurred either as intervening crests between the longer, less frequent Uranus-Pluto alignments or as climactic moments during or just after the period of the longer alignment., Liberated Vision: The Cycle of Jupiter and Uranus in EvolutionaryAstrology, Guiding Stars Radio: Dark Moon before a Solar EclipseEquinox,,, Saturn in Pisces WSAA Lecture on 9February. We do not know whether the pine tree is aware of its own growth, whether it enjoys and suffers the different vicissitudes that shape it. In the context of the Jupiter and Uranus cycle, we are not at one of its peak periods like the conjunction that occurred in 2010, or the square that began occurring a year ago and lasted through this past May. . Have you had a nice conference? And of course, since Taurus is the sign of the bull, we also associate Taurus energy as being embodied by a bull who can be fully engrossed in the presence of the moment in its natural setting, again soaking in the physical delights of its physical form: Taurus is all about being in our body and feeling the sensations of our world upon our flesh. Once sometimes feels that the unconscious is leading the way in accordance with a secret design. We realize that our previous conception of the greater whole was a minuscule fraction of our potential existence, and a more expansive whole holding our radically shifting perceptions emerges. These archetypes are reflected in the astrological symbols of Uranus, Aquarius, and the eleventh . He spoke of the ancient battle between Kronus or Saturn, one who is frightened of the timeless and wants to create finite strucutres, and Ouranos or Uranus, one who wants to break finite structures up. This is another sign of a beautiful opportunity to seize for creative visualization and corresponding action. Green explained this is similar to how we do not even consciously remember every single thing that happened to us yesterday, and our long term memory becomes even more imprecise every following day, week, year, and decade. These methods invariably focus on the planet Pluto and its relationship to the Moon's nodal axis. April 20, 2014 at 1334 of Aries and Cancer. Uranus: Freedom from the Known. Along these same lines, Green has written that the South Node of Jupiter being in Capricorn correlates with the cosmologies that were developed in the transition to these agricultural societies (note: there are some born in the past century who have their geocentric South Node of Jupiter at the final degree of Sagittarius- this still signifies the development of belief systems coinciding with the transition from nomadic groupings into agricultural communities). such as Uranus-Neptune) consistently burst forth in a more frequent cyclical efflorescence in coincidence with the Jupiter-Uranus alignments. This attempt to control or manage what cannot be changed interferes with our going on being. However, although we would have been called to pursue various strands of the new beliefs being stirred up from within, unless we were fortunate it is likely that there was a lack of structures in place at that time in which to ground and manifest the full range of what we could feel internally. The path to nirvana means working with ones own reactions to the change that surrounds us, to the change that we are. In Esoteric Astrology, Aries is directly linked to the idea of birthing new archetypal ideas into collective consciousness. Grand Fire Trine of Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo, and Uranus in Aries: from October 1 through October 15, 2014 between the degrees of 12 and 21 in the Fire signs. Jupiter organizes the chaos within the structure of our consciousness through love and yearning, through our senses and feelings, through our intuition and imagination. Because of the dominance of popular astrology and the use of pop astrology stereotypes, for example associating an infantile, headstrong, or selfish egotist with the sign of Aries, people can make the mistake of assuming that Aries energy is meant to come off as pushy and aggressive. Since the consensus belief systems conditioning the individual often involve moral principles of judgment, there can be a danger that one can be made to feel guilty and ashamed for expressing authentic feelings such as love for someone that consensus religious doctrine labels as taboo. You may have noticed others, including astrologers, asking you these questions recently as we have been experiencing an incredibly intense time period of Taurus energy these past couple of weeks, but especially now. . On the global stage, we do not need to listen to current events broadcast from any source for very long without hearing about tragedy of the most oppressive nature. It bores, through the walls of the ego, holes, telescopes, microscopes, channels through which the flashes of intuition, the inspiration of genius, may suddenly reveal themselves to the Saturn-bound consciousness., Dane Rudhyar fromUranus Master of Transformations. Evolutionary Astrology defined by Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green. These potentialities, in the Sabian symbols, refer to the development of mans individualized consciousness- the consciousness of being an individual person with a place and function (a destiny) in the planetary organism of the Earth, and in a particular type of human society and culture. . The developing vision we began to sense in 2010 was especially powerful as it also involved the ingress of Uranus in Aries. The t-square between Jupiter in Virgo with Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces will create disillusionment that fosters a vital reorientation of vision being developed within the cycle of Uranus and Jupiter. It pierces through Saturn and throws upon the inside walls of the conscious ego images of the more universal and freer world which extends outside of these walls. Natal astrology centers around the moment of birth, and the arrangement of planets within their cycles ascribed to the curious thing we call a birth chart. The desire of Taurus to possess and hold onto objects or values is where we can apply the expression of being stubborn like a bull, and the angry emotions that can erupt out of the normally calm Taurus when a desired object or value is lost is when Taurus can be described as being like a bull in a china shop. The strong sensual desire of Taurus can be applied to anything in our life, such as the taste of food or the more nurturing touch of a friend or family member. . The First Quarter square between Jupiter in Cancer and Uranus in Aries first occurred on August 21, 2013 at 13 degrees, then again on February 26, 2014 at 11 degrees, and finally on April 20, 2014 at 14 degrees. Similar to the concept of individuation developed by Carl Jung, it becomes vital for the Soul to decondition from repressive consensus beliefs and affirm the ability to live life authentically. We can further link this concept of being in the flesh to our thoughts and emotions, and indeed the sign of Taurus is connected to not only our physical form and sensuality, but also the crystallized form of our thoughts and feelings that make up the value system we live from. . Aldus. On the Pontine Swamps (1852) by Arnold Bcklin. The Jupiter and Uranus cycle not only leads us to rebel from consensus beliefs, however, but also brings us into contact with philosophies and visions that resonate with our Soul. Behind every suffering, Buddhist teachers say, is the desire for things to be different. It is like the phoenix rising from the flames. So what does all of this have to do with us today? It is like how Taurus rules our desires for form, and in Scorpio we transcend or transmute our desires beyond attachment to form. In contrast, the higher nature of Taurus mirrors the spiritual development of the Buddha away from attachment to matter and desire, into freedom from materialism, gaining the freedom to connect with Spirit. Since eclipses often correlate with sudden and unexpected events that can be uncomfortable, this Sabian Symbol of Gautama becoming the Buddha suggests we could experience spiritual growth through facing the events without attachment to our past, and through welcoming the struggle between the will of our soul and the will of our ego personality- achieving growth in consciousness through the conflict. This form of astrology is a recent development in terms of astrology's rich history. This will create potential for us to go deep within and integrate the wild perceptions entering our mind through a more symbolic approach resonant with the dreams of our psyche. Yet this is the necessary urge for creation and change underlying our reality, and the change brought by Jupiter and Uranus take us beyond our previous restricted worldview into a new reality giving us goosebumps with the surge of electricity available from the new surroundings. Thus a two-fold operation: the piercing through then the projection of images. We worry about the past and anticipate the future or worry about the future and anticipate the past. During this show we will discuss how we can utilize the Mercury and Neptune conjunction in Pisces to prepare for the coming Eclipse season and the initiation of the new Equinox. . (2014). The guiding hints or impulses come, not from the ego, but from the totality of the psyche: the Self. (p.67-69), Carl Jung fromMan and His Symbols (1964). This point is further emphasized by the South Nodes of both Saturn and Pluto also being in Capricorn. Since the current South Node of the Moon in Taurus will be conjunct the Solar Eclipse today, all of our soul desires on a collective and individual level could be triggered. What is the new serial killer documentary on Netflix? In contrast, if you are born with Jupiter in a Balsamic Phase to Uranus, it would be more about a great clearing occurring this lifetime regarding the myriad belief systems that have played significant roles in conditioning the manner in which your Soul projects beliefs. The term archetypes at this point in the history of astrology is usually tossed around by writers without reflecting upon the origins of the word, which in published authorship can be traced to one Carl Jung. In contrast to the hedonism of his youth, he went to the extremity of abandoning all sensory delight into a lifestyle of ascetism, learning in the process that a Middle Way was the True Path. Like the tree, we should give in to this almost imperceptible, yet powerfully dominating, impulse- an impulse that comes from the urge toward unique, creative self-realization. A.H. Almaas: In Evolutionary Astrology and other teachings, Uranus carries an energy of collective trauma that can be seen in the myth by Uranus being castrated by Saturn, while also carrying an unstoppable energy of individuation as a result of overcoming the societal conditioning of Saturn, as seen in this castration giving birth to the radiant Goddess Venus. Again, inMan and His Symbols, Marie Louise von Franz uses the pine tree seed as an apt metaphor for this individuating process: .in order to bring the individuation process into reality, one must surrender consciously to the power of the unconscious, instead of thinking in terms of what one should do, or of what is generally thought right, or of what usually happens. What will you do? This phenomenon also accounts for why some people can suddenly feel like they are remembering something that has to do with a past incarnation of their soul. In popular astrology we are familiar with linking the sign of Aries with the sort of bravado that could lead one to skinny dipping in public, but the deeper astrological symbolism of the sign links it with the courage necessary to fully individuate ourselves, open ourselves to exposing our pure Soul and living our True Path in the world, despite influences of societal conditioning that would have us conform to consensus expectations of behavior rooted in the past and present.
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