Was their influence helpful or misleading? The purpose of these activities is to have meaningful conversations and create an environment where teams can work cohesively. zDevelop the environment. What were some of the differences? Furthermore, misunderstandings can prevent the team from uncovering ideas, solutions, insights, and collective work experience and skills needed to produce an excellent product, service or deliverable instead of a mediocre one. Its okay if participants choose the same cue. In a large group of participants or employees, particularly, we often need to cut through the noise with a clear and coherent messageand this game can be played with even a large group of people. This exercise comes from a Teambuilding Facilitation Manual: A Guide to Leading and Facilitating Teambuilding Activities, by Penn State University. After the 3-minute vacation, the listener summarizes the key points of their conversation partners dream vacationas a holiday sales pitch. This can show what happens when we dont. His/her flippant response makes me so angry right now. Blimey, that news scares me! I feel like I want to cry. Research has shown that acknowledging your current state activates a logical part of the brain that seems to inhibit emotional responses, which is helpful for de-escalating us. For privacy information see the About page. Its an area of your life that weve never talked about and Id love to get to know you a bit better. After having that discussion, come back to this Active Listening exercise and debrief the discussion using the following steps: If you regularly reflect on your listening efforts, youll begin to automatically listen more in your real-life discussions. Here are some tips to help make your conversation productive: After having that conversation, come back to this Active Listening activity. Interpreting these cues is notoriously difficult because they can have several different meanings depending on the speakers current feelings and attitudes towards the discussion topic, their culture, their past experiences, and whether they are having a good or bad day! It is not a method for creating opportunities to talk about themselves. Start with groups (or sub-groups) of between four and ten players; in each of these, someone will need to volunteer as a facilitator. [2]. It is simply amazing. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Compared to profits, losses, and even risk, it is intangible. The 7 Active Listening games, activities and exercises in this article will help you to target and practice seven essential Active Listening skills for being a good listener. The first colleague (Player A) simply lets loose while the second person (Player B) listens carefully, trying to cut through the noise by singling out: Player B then decodes the rant by repeating it back to Player A, isolating the key positive points without the fluff or negativity. Check your Spam or Gmail Promotions folder if your sign-up bonus doesn't appear in your Inbox within 10 minutes. Think of a specific, regular discussion time that youre involved in. (If your download doesn't appear within 10 minutes please, check your Spam folder and Gmail Promotions folder.). Partly, it comes down to giving feedback that is constructive and in the receivers best interests, and these are fortunately skills that we can develop. Now imagine yourself harnessing those emotions. If you could be the CEO of any company, what company would you choose? Facilitator asks group what they could have done to listen well. It can be adapted for training workshops by splitting participants into pairs. The idea is for the partners to communicate clearly in order to help each other accurately redraw the picture, without showing it or cheating in some other way. This facilitator simply keeps the game on track and gets the discussion going afterward. Cooperation and collaboration underpin how we work together, and done brilliantly, can determine our competitive advantage. Zen counting is incredibly straightforward: team members simply sit in a circle but face outward. Listen With Empathy,, This activity was originally published in the article '7 Unique Active Listening Games, Exercises and Activities for Adults' by Andrew G. Ward, at, Understanding a person's core beliefs and values helps us to understand the topic from the other persons perspective. Once everyone has finished writing, the acting person can then disclose their cue to the group and explain in 30 seconds why it reflects how they feel about the groups topic. Help put resources in the hands of change makers. Tell them to let you know once theyve agreed that the job is done. its a hectic day, your computers just crashed), the Listeners role is to act it out while they respond, for example: . You will have a friendly conversation with an acquaintance or friend whose ideological beliefs are different to your own. Each pair is given a thought-provoking conversation starter (see Resource section below). Follow-up question: What benefits did you get from it? From him or her, they take another piece that someone else has written, and tries to act out that feeling to the rest of their groupusing only their facial expressions. Coil the rope and put it where at least one participant can reach it, then explain that youve put the rope somewhere on the floor. Examples include Omit the Obvious, Train of Words, and Blindfold Walk. These interpersonal and team communication games cover topics such as misinterpreting information, awareness of our assumptions and engaging others. In a small paragraph, it should outline whats gone wrong (maybe its everything from a cracked smartphone screen to a delay during your commute). Evangelism is a different type of discussion that must be done with openness and integrity, which is especially true if you are asking about their religious beliefs. It could be a weekly meeting with a work colleague, the daily family time around the dinner table, or a mid-week lunch catch-up with a friend. Have participants pair up with a partner for a role play. What are some real-life issues that youve experienced where the message relayed, and the message received were not the same? Together, the pairs can come up with more productive, empathetic, and appropriate responses, with the acting experience fresh in mind. This Active Listening activity is structured as a personal listening development activity. Was your understanding of the description you received the same as your partners understanding of the description they relayed? Follow-up question: Reflecting on that situation, what could you have done to better understand that cue? Different studies vary on exactly how much of our intended message (and credibility) is non-verbal, but its undoubtedly important (DePaulo & Friedman, 1998; Knapp et al., 2013). Between them, they need to decide the plot of the comic, who will be carrying out which tasks, and what the frames will contain. Employees can pair off or work alone, in either case, they will need a worksheet of imaginary scenarios like this one. How did you increase your understanding of your partners picture? There is no set time or place for storytelling, but it works best when a story is followed by an invitation to the group to give input. Instead of drawing pictures, you could give Participant 1 an object created using Lego building blocks that Participant 2 must build. Clarify when you catch yourself jumping to conclusions. Hello, Im Andrew Ward and Im the Kiwi guy writing most of the stuff on this website. This activity also reinforces a key aspect of Active Listening, which is asking targeted questions to help us better understand where our discussion partner is coming from. Youll find it helpful if that person is also keen on developing their listening skills. Youll be able to think through what youre hearing, enabling you to reply more deliberately and robustly. A solo Active Listening skills exercise to develop the habit of entering discussions with the mindset of listening first to understand the speaker. Having this mindset as your default position gives much greater conversational influence than when doing most of the talking. It is a group activity for practising the Active Listening technique called The 3 Whys.. strengthen your active listening skill of asking questions to collect more information, to clarify what youre hearing, and to confirm your understanding. In several sentences, the scenario outlines a situation where they are approached by a colleague with problems but might have other things on their plate. If youre a cross-functional team, why not try out an activity that challenges assumptions? Depaulo, B. M., & Friedman, H. S. (1998). These games have been around for decades and are still fantastic for teaching active listening skills. Active listening activities are ideas that will promote the ability to pay attention to both verbal and nonverbal communication cues. Used with permission from Time To Grow Global. This activity is a slight twist on Chinese Whispers in that it uses a complex set of instructions rather than just a sentence. When a person expresses a view that seems unusual to you, ask Why? three times tactfully and genuinely. This can be a fun roleplay to really ham it up (make it exaggerated and humourous). They are hidden inside the speaker. Participants who sit in the middle are talkers while those in the outer ring are watchers, and these roles should be allocated prior to the exercise. How did you utilise the 2-minute collaboration pause? Warning: digging deeper can result in lively discussions! Paraphrase in your own words the main points that you think you heard the speaker say - they should remain quiet while you're paraphrasing. Rogers, C., Farson, R. E., "Active Listening", Gordon Training Inc., www.gordontraining.com/free-workplace-articles/active-listening/, Extract from 1957 article. What are some things you want to accomplish before you die? Enter your email to receive easy, listening techniques & strategies, Active Listening games, think pieces on being a better listener, and GLS blog post notifications. While speaking, what could you do to decrease the chance of miscommunication in real-life dialogue? Encourage people to reflect back what they are hearing and to focus on listening skills. This exercise introduces I statements, which describe others behavior objectively while allowing the speaker to express the impact on their feelings. Each group will receive one topic. At the height of a discussion its very difficult to apply new techniques such as harnessing your emotions while trying to stay calm and avoid reacting impulsively to what were hearing (and observing non-verbally). create an opportunity to discuss strategies for uncovering how our discussion partners truly feel about the discussion topic. Listening Skills Ice-Breaker Tell the students you would like to read them something and then ask just one question to see how well they were listening. I too would like to be able to utilize them as a resource for my workshop. Silence is not always a bad thing. In the book mentioned below, there are also hand-outs, but you can prepare your own for this activity. Youll be using your imagination to rehearse the act of listening. Drawing on empirical literature on communication skills in the workplace, we can look at Maguire and Pitcheathlys (2002) study of doctors for a good example. Identify someone who has a belief that is different to your own. Im Listening can be played with an even number of participants, as they will need to find a partner for this one-on-one game. Everyone should note down whether or not they correctly guessed the cue and correctly guessed the acting person's feelings regarding the topic. This Active Listening activity is designed for training workshops. Uncertainty reduction through everyday performative language work: the case of coaching. Development and validation of the active empathetic listening scale. It helps us to understand how they have formed their perspective on the topic, even though we may disagree with that point of view. Use active listening. Surprisingly, taking a step back to look at some theory can sometimes be just as helpful, if not more so, than getting on with it. Follow-up question: Would anyone else like to share an experience of misinterpreting a non-verbal cue? Listener has to practice active listening skills - listening attentively to what is being said and what is not quite being said, and demonstrating their listening to the talker by their behaviour. With each asking of the Why? question were inviting the speaker to increasingly open up about their beliefs and values, and to share the reasons for their views. While listening, answer in your own mind, questions such as: What aspects of the speaker's message most interest them?, What is the main theme(s) of their message?, What are the key takeaways from the speakers message?. An animated or subdued gesture that conveys an emotion. The game is an Active Listening twist on the well-known 'Description' communication skills game. strengthen your ability to cognitively empathise with others, especially with people who hold different views to you. Prior to passing on the toy, ball, or what have you, players ask something about the object and answer a question about it. Used with permission. Clarify Understanding IV. Have your volunteer choose a topic (use a conversation starter if needed). Organizational cultures, commitment, satisfaction, and cohesion. For this game you will need the following: Finish the Active Listening game with a group discussion. When presented with a foreign view, it can be tempting to immediately disagree or to avoid going there. Your goal is to learn about them. Swap roles. Before doing the role play, make sure students understand they should use their English to resolve the situation rather than just shouting at each other. This is a solo Active Listening exercise. Edmondson, A. C., Kramer, R. M., & Cook, K. S. (2004). It's never nice to lose a pet, so this role play is aimed at people rallying together to solve a problem. Listen to Remember and Listen for Underlying Meanings III. [1]. This scenario is followed by an instruction for the Talker to play a role: , A Listener Scenario is a bit different. Silence: The Secret Communication Tool. Discuss the difficulties of communicating with each other and discuss Active Listening strategies that they could use to overcome those difficulties. As you work through this exercise record your thoughts on the notepad. You will need a volunteer for this activity. Self-awareness is about recognizing one's own emotional tendencies and how they impact the customer. So, a 6-person group will make a 6-frame strip, and so forth. Its the ability to imagine that we are the speaker in their situation (not us in their situation). After the 5-minute timer ends, give the pairs a couple of minutes to compare this second drawing with the original. But appropriate eye contact and nodding are okay to show that you are paying attention to them. 7.8) Difficult Customer Role Play. Communication exercises may not feel 100% natural at first, but they let us work withrather than live in fear ofthat discomfort. Two circles of chairs are set up, one inside the other. The goal is for the other person to be heard, validated, and inspired to solve their problems. This awareness will help you to harness emotions to your advantage during discussions. Steps to Building Role Play Scenarios zDefine where you want to end. In EURAM Conference, Munich, Germany. Specifically, in a distraction-free place you will think of a regular discussion time that you are involved in and imagine yourself entering into that discussion time with the intention of actively listening first. Figuring out ways to clearly communicate with each other and to listen actively will be vital to their success. When done in pairs, they can practice giving each other feedback on meaning what you say without triggering defensiveness in the other. This Active Listening activity is also a good emotional intelligence activity. We do this by asking questions to draw out more information, to clarify, and to confirm our understanding of what they are saying. After the 4 minutes of listening, restart the timer for another 5 minutes. Put even more simply, we make work a nicer place to be while avoiding unnecessary conflict. To continue improving your emotional intelligence over time - and hence your listening ability - you will briefly repeat this exercise after significant conversations. How large of a role does it really play, and how does it influence our communication? A third skill is reflecting (Robertson, 2005). C: Conflict When it comes to tasks and expectations, it goes without saying that clarity helps us avoid lots of unwanted things. Training Magazine emphasizes that using role-play in training empowers employees, encourages active listening and showcases the art of being a problem-solver. Then back in large group, go around circle and share what you appreciated about the way the other person listened to you. Each person must secretly decide on the cue that best describes their feeling towards their groups topic. Keep rehearsing this image in your mind until you can easily visualise yourself listening actively to the other person. Practice Makes Perfect V. Uncovering Assumptions Peer feedback is also a useful job resource when it comes to work engagement; as a form of social support, it can help stimulate our learning and developmentthat includes communication skills (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007; Bakker et al., 2008). There is no limit to the group size for this game, which requires only enough pens and paper for everybody. Each pair will take turn-about. These science-based tools will help you and those you work with build better social skills and better connect with others. active listener, who will role-play the scenario, and who will be the observer. S: Struggle Put the shapes at different positions and angles. The group then lists the listening stoppers they noticed. Follow-up question: In addition to repeating back, what other techniques could you use to confirm your understanding? Make sure that you can provide examples for the feedback session. In communicating expectations, needs, and more, it helps to clarify and create common ground. None of them require professional facilitation per se, and any participant can easily volunteer to keep the process on track. Listen With Empathy,. How did you feel during the game? Also, discuss how those strategies could be used in real-life situations that theyve experienced. Follow-up question: What could you have done to overcome any differences in understanding? Once everyone has finished writing, the acting person can then disclose their cue to the group and take 30 seconds to explain why it reflects how they feel about the groups topic. That is, the Blindfold Rope Square exercise challenges us to look at how we communicate verbally, then think about ways to develop our effectiveness. Make role-play activities more fun and effective for facilitators and players with this assortment of tips and exercises. Here are four training activities, suggested by Caroline Cooper, that will help you to develop active listening in your contact centre. Only speak in order to ask genuine questions. Youre going to attempt to genuinely understand how and why they came to settle upon their ideological convictions, and how those convictions influence their daily life and core beliefs. This exercise is about listening, clarity and developing potential strategies when we communicate. Practicing it during our interactions with others enables us to validate their feelings and potentially avoid the stress of misunderstandings. . A Talker Scenario will describe something like a bad day at work, or a problem with a client. Nikolova, N., Clegg, S., Fox, S., Bjrkeng, K., & Pitsis, T. (2013). How did repeating the why question deepen your understanding of your discussion partners perspective? To practice active listening and assertive communication. Asking Questions To Seek Information and Clarify Understanding. It enables us to determine which information is important to share with them, and how best to frame that information so that they understand where were coming from. Where did you meet them? Make the Speaker Feel Heard. The games and exercises in this section are about connecting on a human level so that we can communicate with more emotional intelligence in the workplace. What happened? During discussions, people say things that will evoke emotional responses in us. Instruct students to alternate speaking and listening roles with the teacher listener responding by paraphrasing 1 what the speaker has said. | Powered by WordPress. Download a printer friendly PDF from the box at the bottom of this page. What other thoughts and insights do you have about this technique? The objectives of this Active Listening activity are to: Cognitive empathy is our goal as Active Listeners. We hate it with a passion!View our Privacy Policy & Terms of Use. What would be your perfect weekend? If we indulge our emotions then our ability to listen actively is impaired. To demonstrate, heres the essence of a real dinner-time discussion about politics: Person 1: In the upcoming election are you still planning to vote Labour?, Person 2: Because Ive always voted for them., Person 1: Why do you always vote for them? In these pairs, they will take turns being a mime and being an asker. . Walk me around that island. Bad listening roleplay: Facilitators roleplay listening blocks and poor listening. Role-play. And that activity is to create a comic together, using their complementary skills and communication to realize a shared vision. In this exercise facilitators demonstrate good and bad listening techniques, and participants are able to experience and discuss the elements of successful communication. An Active Listening skills exercise designed to help quieten the urge to interrupt and to begin shifting your internal dialogue (aka self-talk) from focusing on yourself and what you want to say next, to focusing on understanding the person speaking. Listen With Empathy, Non-Verbal Cues Help Avoid Misunderstandings. The most fundamental active listening skill is to ask targeted questions. What is one practical action that you can take at the start of your next discussion in order to listen to them first and allow them to speak? Possible imagined response: How does your idea solve our situation? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. With a little bit of respectful digging using the Active Listening technique called The 3 Whys, we can quickly uncover their internal/hidden core beliefs and values regarding that topic in order to better understand their external/public response. It doesnt take very long, either, and can be played in as little as ten to twenty minutesperfect for breaking up the day. Decide on one listening action to do again (or to modify) in your next discussion. Just listen in silence and try to understand the speaker. Developing emotional intelligence in high potential middle managers: The role of experiential learning. Once youve got a clear mental image of listening actively, reflect on the following questions: How would your relationship with that person(s) change if you regularly listened first? To get started improving your (or your team's, or your student's) communication skills, give these 5 activities a try. II. Four activities are original. Then, once you adequately understand them, you can switch into the role of speaker in order to share your perspective. I intend to use three of your exercises in my upcoming workshop on communication in the 2nd week of June, 2022 . In this article, you will find 15 communication exercises, games, and tips to help you improve teamwork and collaboration in your workplace. Players stand in a circle and pass two of the objects along to each other. It can be on the pre-chosen topic or on a different one, but the activity must conclude with a debrief. Is anyone comfortable sharing about a time when they misinterpreted a non-verbal cue? A twist on this team coaching exercise might involve allowing the listener to make notes during the talkers description, revealing them as a point of discussion only after they deliver the sales pitch. Once people have paired off, they sit back-to-back with a paper and pencil each. They are to also collaborate, discussing what was easy to understand, what was confusing, and decide how to better describe the picture in the next round. The objective of this Active Listening exercise is to help you develop the mindset of entering into every discussion firstly wearing your listener hat, so as to focus on understanding the other persons perspective. First, pick a game with enough instructions that the information is a challenge to memorize. This is a small group Active Listening game for adults. How did your questioning skills help you comprehend what was going on? Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA, Contact a Commons librarian if you would like to connect with the author. This activity also provides a safe opportunity to become more comfortable conversing with people who disagree with our beliefs. Communication, in its most basic form at least, is dyadica two-way, and (one would hope) mutually beneficial flow of information. It is used a lot during inclusive strategy sessions, where diverse opinions are valuable but team size can hamper rather than facilitate good communication. Role Play Activities and Tips for Trainers WorkSMART: Tips for a happier, more engaged workplace Call Us: 800-299-3770Fax: 508-651-2674 Home Recent Posts Shop About Get in Touch We want Learning and Work to be Innovative, Key communication skills and how to acquire them. Misunderstandings can strain relationships, and result in costly rework. Poor listening results in misunderstandings. Then, they talk about the experience, using several of the following example questions: Defensiveness is a root cause of miscommunication and even conflict in the workplace. Dealing with resistance. [1]. Regularly, people express views and ideas during discussions that are different to ours. You can read more about my story here. What kinds of questions might you have asked? I've grouped the 20+ exercises into 5 categories: I. This worksheet provides role play exercises to help with practicing active listening advocacy skills. Built with love in the Netherlands. The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Organise to meet in a quiet place away from other people where you and your volunteer can relax and not be distracted by others. Were there different interpretations for the same cue? Enjoyed it. What matters? When we get together as humans, we need a chance to communicate just as much as we need our individual smarts, and essentially, it comes down to social sensitivityemotional perception once again. Ongoing Application - 2 to 3 minutes per discussion. Inspired by the kids game Telephone, this exercise draws on different elements of effective communication between team members, while highlighting where things often go wrong. For everybody partners perspective listening ability - you will briefly repeat this exercise comes from a Facilitation! Train of Words, and cohesion S., Fox, S., Fox S.... Did repeating the why question deepen your understanding other feedback on meaning what you appreciated about discussion... May not feel 100 % natural at first, pick a game with instructions... Describes their feeling towards their groups topic are ideas that will evoke emotional responses in us cover. They can practice giving each other and discuss the elements of successful communication what are! 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