Thank you! A couple of weeks later she had lost weight from not eating. At vet visit - vet noted redness in the eyelids but thinks it may be caused from the wind? I would, still boil chicken, carrots, potatoes for his meals. She is scared of her own shadow, walks into things at times, trips and stumbles, has become very timid, stares at the wall and has to have either me or my husband in sight at all times. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the tremors were possibly caused by the drug. Compared to other products, the efficiency of this . The flinching was very concerning to me as I had to take extra care that I've never had to try to avoid scaring him just doing routine things. On Jan 4th for the first time. I did not notice any side effects. Im wondering if this is how she will be the rest of her life all from taking one dose of Simparica! I am so worried after reading these comments. My 15 yr old doodle wasnt given bravecto because of reviews. Once she is completely healed I am putting her back on those. But im 99% sure the simparica is what caused it. Although he didnt continue throwing up and was fine otherwise, he was still outside 12 hours later eating grass. . I pray for my baby to be ok and all of you who are in this battle. The third ingredient in Simparica Trio is. Last year I gave them this but didn't notice any issues. She had what seemed like a seizure 6 hours after ingesting this product--she was lying in her crate, she peed while lying down, and she vomited, then began rocking back and forth--and now I am terrified for her (it's Saturday, nearly midnight, so tomorrow is Sunday and everything is closed). I did find another one in New Hampshire but I know like everyone else that all we be negative just like all tests done so far. He is very whinny and is drinking a lot of water. Just hoping you can give me something good and tell me your dog recovered. I have noticed that he hardly needs no meds for this neurological issue near the end of the month. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday he slept all day, was hesitant to get up, wouldn't play with his ball, continued to drink excessively and shivered. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, ear infection, polyuria, hyperactivity, and pruritus. I thought it was them not liking the food and made a change. She still coughs, sneezes and brings up lots of mucus. My dogs have been throwing up since then and I could not for the life of me figure out why. Seizures have been reported in dogs receiving isoxazoline class drugs, even in dogs without a history of seizures. The neurologist suggested we start by stopping the Simparica and using a flea and tick with no seizure side effects. Thirst and urination issues, Possible heart murmur this waned but there is enlargement now at the 4th month at which point Buddy went into steep decline. My 3 year old cockapoo is having the same issue with mucous since being on Simparica. He had an MRI and it came out good. Haven't noticed any other symptoms to him besides the puking, not eating and skittish. Her Liver enzymes were also through the roof. I should have know it was a sign when he spat it out. They had been given the two pills separately from the breeder but my vet recommended this all in one. I am both incredibly sad and angry. I read all the above and it makes me sad. For Instance he has never liked grooming, I brushed him out last night and he slept through the whole thing. It is also labeled for the treatment and prevention of the Gulf Coast tick, American dog tick, black-legged tick, lone star tick, and brown dog tick. He seems to be out of sorts, staring into space, getting freaked out when he can't see me (I thought he was losing his eyesight). My dog was HEALTHY and HAPPY prior to giving him this drug and literally days later he is struggling to recover. So we went home with her on steroids and more antibiotics and denamrin for liver. I am feeding her foods such as spirulina; b12 and a special healing earth in her dinner. Then the following week 1 pill every other day . Still waiting on the vet and waiting to talk to ASPCA poison control. Sound familiar? Do you really really want to take that chance and end up in the same situation that me and my family had to end up in and suffer and he had to suffer, which he didnt have to if that company wouldnt have killed him with their deadly med SIMPARICA please think really hard and research before you give your pets anything that can do the same because like I said he had no medical issues. And urinating more often as a result. I told them over and over again "she never gets sick, and this is the ONLY thing different in her routine". I'm so glad I found this forum, it confirmed my instincts that this drug is very harmful. I gave this to my 8 yr old chihuahua and a couple days later he started having seizures. The vet has not been able to diagnose a cause. I say yes! The neurologist I went to would not give him steroids until I did the spinal tap and MRI. He would come out of it when I shook him, so I didn't think anything of it at the time. After about 2.5 weeks, she couldn't walk, bark, had tremors, didn't want to eat, and was so lethargic I thought we were going to lose her. Very small sample - many deformities, stillborn. Anything I can do for him? I argued with the vet that this is poison and she said why would I give your dog poison? Started our 8 month old rescued golden retriever on simpatico trio in February as had our rescued border collie mix on it for last year. Called Vet tonight and got a first appointment for tomorrow morning . The vet and company are in consultation. He is very friendly with other people and pets and never had an issue in that regard. He protected our livestock from coyotes for many years and I took good care of him. Hes been on it for six months. This junk needs to be pulled from the market. Now her dog is very sick and she has to take the dog to the vet every day in the past week. Next day she seemed different, standing slightly strangely. These are the side effects that were observed: Most common is vomitting Weakness and lethargy Soft stools Loss of appetite I will be changing clinics immediately. The Simparica was recommended by the vet. I just hope and pray she gets better. Sorry for the late replywe took our boy to the ER and after 2 days on fluids and a shot of Percorton, he was diagnosed with Addison's Disease. I couldnt figure it out until I googled all the medications the vet has prescribed for her then I came across this forum and I am pissed!! Could this be caused by the med? We are currently going through this with our nine year old dachshund. Would you mind sharing what happened with your pup? The only thing the vet can say, was a sore neck. Them I took him to a vet for check up and to my horror, he has fleas and a tick. Last month she had diarrhea and it lasted 7 days. For: They could either keep her there for observation or I could take her home to observe her. Hi Charlene, can you elaborate on agitated swallowing? old . DO NOT give this poison to your pets. Best of luck. Hello! For dogs with a history of seizures: consider carefully. I had to give him flea prevention because he goes to Daycare. I took him back to the vet and explained my concern that it was from the Simparica Trio and they didn't seem concerned that it was the issue. It's unique because it kills more types of parasites than any other combination product available to date. Its crazy to think they dont recover and can die in a few months. Three-month field trials found side effects from Simparica to be rare, with the most common adverse reactions being vomiting and diarrheaboth symptoms related to Fido's digestive tract, rather than his nervous system. Side effects include: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa (ear. It has been 5 days since she had the 3 seizures in 24 hours. Thankfully there have been no other side effects. It's 5:53pm and he's acting very lethargic. She is lethargic and doesnt want to eat. Hopefully there are many other dogs that are unaffected, and just aren't written about here. I hope this drug has not caused permanent damage. Eat grass and vomit. corgi lying in grass next to woman's feet. The Vet says it is not the Simparica because he would have vomitted before 9 days. Pyrantel Pamoate was first approved in 1977 for the treatment and . She has been taking the medicine since she was 6 months and she has gotten bigger so her dosage was increased. I am trying to remain confident that my poor girl will recover. Update June 7th. Gave this to my 8 week old puppy yesterday, he was fine, but today he is very irritated and acting aggressive which he wasnt before. It went away, I thought the diarrhea was from some of the junk she eats off of the ground. We have had to put a donut around his neck to keep him from causing more open sores and possibly infection. On 01/07/21, we gave our 11 year old black lab, Rawley, a 2nd dose of Simparico TRIO. A heartworm test may be necessary in about six months (that's how long it takes heartworm larvae to mature enough to show up on a test). He said it would take care of ticks and Trifexis doesn't. We go for more bloodwork today and are praying for better news. She had the treatment yesterday and seemed ok. Simparica is also used in an extra-label capacity to treat demodectic mange, sarcoptic mange, and ear mites in dogs. If this is a long term issue, I doubt they would be willing to cover all visits in the future. Vet took blood yesterday should get results today. I am so mad at myself, he was on Heartguard + nexgard for most of his life and the vet recommended we try Simperica Trio. We took him to the animal er and they checked his vitals and he was fine. After I picked her up she just went back down and died on the way back to animal emergency room. Coincidence? This medication works within the first few hours after administration to kill fleas present on your dog, and is dosed by weight, so it is important to use the correct-sized medication for your pet. ALL oral tick meds are in the same class of drugs, so cannot give anything with that in it. Thank you. He took simparica trio 3 weeks ago and I cant wait until its out of his system! The safe use of Simparica Trio has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. After spending the day at the ER Vet where they did bloodwork and several x-rays all coming back normal, they sent her home with Keppra. Hey Sara I was wondering how you contacted Simparica because after taking her to animal emergency room then the vet next day. I warned my aunt not to give this edible insecticide/arachnicide to her dog because I have heard some bad news about it, but my aunt just did not heed the warning. The following day he died. I didnt think he was having side effects from it until I saw a commercial, just a few minutes ago, lon tv about neurological issues in some dogs. I am convinced this medicine is HORRIBLE and is causing this. I gave my 2 yr old, very healthy, German short hair her first dose on Friday night and by Saturday morning she was vomiting about every 2 hours. My 2 1/2 mini goldendoodle has been on Simparica 10 days now. Hope your pup is doing better!! Even with what she has been through we have to wait until Dec 1st to see the Neurologist as there is only one in the State of Maine. Two days later, she is doing better, but not 100% yet. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Blood work + urine sample. FREE shipping and the BEST customer service! She has been treated by this clinic since birth. Got a new GS when the old one died. Please do NOT use it!! If not, we had some success with symptom management using Prednisone. I have spent thousands (around $4500) to get him this care and I'm still in an unknown as to whether he will fully respond to treatment. We are doing one more increase and if that doesnt help, we will be adding zonisamide. Simparica Side effects The side effects that are involved with this medication are drastically lower than that of other medications. My dog has been on simpatico trio for 5 months .. and still got a deer tick .. Animal Drug Safety Communication: FDA Alerts Pet Owners and Veterinarians About Potential for Neurologic Adverse Events Associated with Certain Flea and Tick Products, How to Report Problems with Flea and Tick Products, An official website of the United States government, : There is a petition in Australia to have this drug banned through, which I've signed. This simple-to-give oral monthly treatment protects dogs against heartworm disease as well as against ticks and fleas and intestinal worms like roundworms and hookworms. Simparica Trio is just one of many parasite prevention products on the market for dogs. That trip cost $400 and the result was he needed Simparica flea treatment. If only one percent of dogs have reaction to these drugs and 100,000 pups are given the drugs, think how many that would be that are either killed or made unable to function. Nothing they can do for her she said. She would constantly twirl in left circles. Please anyone let me know if there is a class action law suit or where we can start one? It is the flea and tick component that is the problem. If so how long did it take? He has been eating the same organic GF food for the past several years. I put him on boiled chicken & rice and got him calmed down. Made the pressured in to by a vet to give Simparica Trio. My vet seems skeptical that this is related to simparica but it seems clear to me, although I realize that anecdotal cases don't prove it. I am so mad at myself and so upset that I am the one that has made him sick. Simparica Trio is an advanced liver-flavored chewable treatment designed specifically for dogs and young puppies. Youre an idiot then! We gave our 6 month old chihuahua one dose of the Simparica trio as instructed be our vet and she has been sick ever since. My 9-year-old Golden Retriever has been on Simparica for a few years now and not really experiencing any issues. Had I of done my research before hand, I never would have giving it to him in the first place. I was using the garlic tabs for the previous dog because the vet put him on Trifexis and he vomited like crazy. He also would have crying spells while trying to sleep but showed no signs of pain. A week after I lost her I got COVID and was in the hospital for 20 days. Really angry this drug is on the market and pushed by many vets. She wanted me to monitor him carefully and wait to see how he did on his next dose of Simparica before continuing to prescribe it. Generally, they may instruct you to administer it immediately when you remember and resume monthly dosing. Sarolaner is also used in combination products for both dogs and cats. My 10 year old Standard Poodle had one dose of Simparica and had seizures two weeks later, which was yesterday. Now I have to pay $100's of dollars on meds to check her antibody and possibly put her on meds for life . It is recommended that all pets be tested for existing heartworm infection prior to starting treatment with Simparica Trio. Product Details: Simparica Trio Chewables for dogs. One nite she ended up in emergency pet hospital they drained 1/2 liter of fluid off her and did lots of tests., wanted to put her "DOWN" With what she went thru tht day we didn't want tht to be her last day. Im trying to understand how. 300+ Cute Cat Names for Every Kind of Kitty. I had placed an order with Pet Meds for the prescription before I saw any of these side effects.I will be returning this medication and order Heartgard and not sure what we will do for flea and ticks, since he turns his nos Simparica Trio, e to the Nexgard and we really dont feel safe with our Grandson around the topical or collarAny suggestions? It is important to work with your veterinarian to ensure the best flea/tick and heartworm prevention plan for your pets specific needs. She's finally resting at home, but still not able to walk, run, eat, etc. I will be discontinuing the medication. Moreover, the safe use of this product has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs. Never had them ever and she's only 3 1/2 yrs old. we gave our dane Simperica Brown about a day or so ago and all the sudden my sweet girl is having seizures. Revolution has been around decades with less incidents of animal reactions. Same as you describe. I gave my almost 10 year old chihuahua mix (11lbs) his first dose on Wednesday and he has started coughing and sputtering since Thursday nite. He seemed okay with his next dose January 1, so we renewed the prescription, and I gave him the February dose too. He first started with seizures and losing weight in June after giving him Simparica. Hi, Im having similar issues. I stopped giving flea and tick medication all together since her dose in June that triggered the seizures. Took her to her Vet where I was told she had another tremor. Almost $4k in medical labs, hospital, ultrasound etc no answers. Will be talking to the vet inregards to his side effects. I would advise against the drug based on my experience so far, it can get worse and the reviews that I have read online about the product. He looked like he was having a seizure. My Havanese started having frequent lip licking and teeth clashing and swallowing after switching from Simparica to Simparica Trio. My dog died from it after one dose within 24 hours. Be aware! When fleas or ticks bite, they are exposed to its FDA-approved ingredient sarolaner, the insecticide, and acaricide that kills parasites fast. The simparica pushed his body into an Addison's Crisis - his body was literally shutting down. My dog has been vomiting with diarrhea plus he has bumps all over his body from one dose of simparica trio. This is lethal medication for dogs and should be taken off the market now. Our vet pushed this new drug for this tick season claiming the drug we used previously they had 11 dogs in the previous year were diagnosed with Lyme disease and they no longer had confidence in that drug. Can you tell me if your dog is back to normal now?!?! My personal dog has had no issues at all, and she's been on it for nearly two years. I thought maybe my dog had a bladder infection or got into something that upset her gut. I just gave Bentlee my Akita Simparica Trio on the 9th. The reason I had stopped it , I saw a Instagram where a girls dog took the. It is a horrible feeling that your healthy, funny, lively dog can become disabled overnight just because you trusted a medication. He is also running a fever so is not out of the woods. Animal Health Literacy, Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts, Fact Sheet for Pet Owners and Veterinarians about Potential Adverse Events Associated with Isoxazoline Flea and Tick Products, How to Report Animal Drug and Device Side Effects and Product Problems. This drug needs to be pulled off the market! Any response from the company? The Trio product by Simparica is a three-in-one medication to control and prevent flea, tick, and heartworm. She hasnt eaten in 3 days and is unable to go up 2 simple steps. Very "out of it". Im switching back to the protection he used before Simparica Trio. In clinical trials, vomiting and diarrhea were the most frequently reported adverse reactions. I hope there will be a class action lawsuit but most importantly that the word get out to stop this medication from harming another life. The personality change is what has me most concerned too. No running or jumping, Continuously wandering around the fence line of the back yard. After he was sent home, he was still not well and barely able to hold in any food and had to take any fluids intravenously. My vet recommended the tablet to save on monthly costs for flea and tick treatment. Side effects are rare and may include: Vomiting Lethargy Diarrhea Loss of appetite Neurologic side effects have been seen after using medications in this class of drugs. I dont know whether its a coincidence or not, but 4 days after second dose of Simparica Trio, my dog ended up at an urgent care with blood in his urine. Are their enough people to file a class action suit? You can do heartworm no problem, and some flea meds also have a neurology warning but not on the same scale of reports as this tick stuff. One has done great only notice that he is drinking a lot of water. However, besides being nervous over the diarrhea, I am petrified about all of these people talking about seizures. She started it on 7/22. They had no clue what had happened so again we took him to the er and he checked out fine. Omg, this is beyond awful and makes me so worried. There was no clear diagnosis but it was clearly neurological. Nothing. He started having skin issues that the vet said were allergic reactions probably due to environmental things. Im really trying to understand what happens in the brain because dog is having meningitis type symptoms but the company is denying this is neurological and saying its not one of the side effects of the drug. I failed Bentlee this past week and changed to Simparico Trio and now he is having all the same kind of issues. Does anybody know how long this will last? I wish I had read these comments before giving this to my Frenchie. Very common in: Dogs of any age, breed, or gender can experience vomiting. Apparently many pet owners lack the critical thinking skills it takes to fully reason this out. Im wondering if after it is out of his system or have I now poisoned my baby where he might have a seizure disorder for the rest of his life. The cardiologist found no heart condition that would cause this. But now I tell everyone just be aware that this product does have the potential to cause neurological harm. Does anyone know of anything we can give her to help get this out of her system? My husband said that he felt like it would just make his coat shiny. Im so angry at these drug companies and vets for selling this crap. The only thought in my head was to get home and give it to my puppy who has had few fleas, but many itching problems. But I noticed that I had to "wake him' several times in only 2 minutes time, but he wasn't sleeping, his eyes were open and I saw them rolling in the back of his head! Simparica TRIO is a monthly chewable tablet that protects your dog against heartworm disease, five types of ticks, fleas, roundworms and hookworms. Update:(12/20/21) my dog has now been able to go up and down steps with no hesitation. Gave our 6 month old Bulldog puppy Simparica TRIO (this is his 3rd dose) now realizing this is the culprit to what happened with him last month. He was a normal dog before the medicine Simpatico Trio . Tell your veterinarian if your dog has a history of seizures or other neurologic disease. Thank you in advance. We are closely monitoring him. Gave my 3 month old, 3 pound shih tzu simparica on Sunday night. Any advice on the diarrhea? I also lost my dog due to simparia Trio. I am currently in the same situation and we are at day 16 after giving simparica. I got my dog Josey up to let him out to pee. Neurologist doesnt seem to really know if the effects are long term or not. My 2 year old Shepherd was perfectly healthy in Feb. and by April of this year he quit eating, excessive thirst, excessive urination, low platelet count, low red blood cell count is unsteady and now is at a vet hospital and so far we have spent 2000 and they do not know what is wrong with him. He is now acting like he has dementia, having seizures more frequently, not barking, lashing out at his dog brothers- jut not his self. She had right sided weakness, with right sided neglect( the inability to process stimuli with impaired spatial recognition ). She has been the healthiest, happiest dog. I have noticed that recently he seems to stumble a little from time-to-time. I just put the chewable tablet in my dog's bowl and she eats it right up (she's pretty picky, so that says a lot). I went and picked her up today and all she does is lay around and drink water, turns her nose up at anything food related. PetMDs medications content was written and reviewed by veterinary professionals to answer your most common questions about how medications function, their side effects, and what species they are prescribed for. On 08/06 she threw up. It works by creating uncontrolled neuromuscular activity leading to death in fleas as well as some ticks and mites. How is ur puppy? May not be from this med but too strange to at least not think about it. He had full wellness exam three ago and was in perfect shape. I will not be continuing with this treatment. Used my own intuition and knowledge to make a good choice for my pet .good luck to everyone one here ! What are the side effects of Simparica Trio Chewable Tablets for Dogs? and now i'm on an hour by hour let's see if she will perk up. It comes in a pack of six or 12, but veterinarians typically sell individual doses for growing puppies. All they care about is the money and not the animal. Final Thoughts on Trifexis vs Simparica. This morning (12/19/21) was a bit better, still hesitant on the steps but we didnt experience any loss of appetite and was eager to go outside (still some diarrhea though). I am sure simparica caused a fatal seizure in my boxer. Ticks are horrible here in Maine. I am SO angry with my vet and so mad at myself for not researching first. I wish I would have seen this site before I gave it my Matty. I have a vet appointment tomorrow to figure it out. This was the 2nd does I have him. Three-month field trials found side effects from Simparica to be rare, with the most common adverse reactions being vomiting and diarrheaboth symptoms related to Fidos digestive tract, rather than his nervous system. Benefits: Each tablet provides a full month of protection against fleas and ticks. I'm not going to make her a test case by giving her another dose next month. No more of this poison for him. It has a good rating also 4.7 out of 5. Always confirm storage temperatures by reading the label. The following morning he had another small seizure. She has been diagnosed with thyroid problems and myocarditis. Thank you for this. I hope yours is an isolated incident! My poor puppy has to go under anesthesia on top of. I gave my dog his first dose today and 6 hours later he was throwing up and became frantic to get outside to eat grass. We trusted our Vet when he recommended this over Revolution topical anti-tic/flea medication. I wish I would have researched this before giving it to my puppy who is only 10 weeks, he has the same symptoms . How is your puppy now after 7 months leases our 2 yr old frenchie just spent 3 days hospitalized and clearly has neurological symptoms. Duke is 7 month boxer And we have the simpatica on Monday and cant believe this stools Hopefully it doesnt last long. She has been itching uncontrollably since I gave her the simparica. Sarolaner, one of the ingredients, is a member of the isoxazoline class. I am up writing this 4 a.m. since our Lambchop is too restless to sleep! A week and a half from taking the drug, he is still on 3 meds, taking fluids and starting to gain strength and eat food and drink water in very small amounts. He collapsed & went limp in my arms . not eating alor and wants me to rub her tummy constantly . Im beside myself. Circumstances changed and moved to a semi rural area in Florida surrounded by lots of woods. Since the weather was turning cold, I stopped giving her the Simparica until spring. The .gov means its official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. The flavored, chewable tablets were consumed . I'm at a loss We had same issues. Yes Im in the same boat steroids have helped but I want to step him off of them they want him in them long term as they say this is for sure meningitis I just dont agree. Im wondering if anyone else has seen these types of symptoms. Our Vet suggested Simparica Trio! Head down, facing the wall, tremors, lethargic, and she can't seem to see well. She passed away soon after taking this medication. Gave my dog Charlie Simparica yesterday now he is shaking and panting really bad. Again he has diarrhea and this month he seems agitated or nervous. I have written to the parent company that makes Simparico (although I don't hold high hopes that I will ever hear from them) and also signed an online petition at Change. lola weighs about 9lbs. Vet says Simparica is not the reason for his condition, but he was totally fine prior to taking Simparica!! If undiagnosed he would have died. I've spoken to emergency vets and they say they are booked solid and that I need to just monitor her through the night. On Friday he was incredibly thirsty - he would drink a full bowl of water and then look at me for more. The seizure and tremors are side effects after consuming some drugs that's mixed with this one. 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Does n't the wall, tremors, lethargic, and she has been on Simparica a. Me to rub her tummy constantly a flea and tick component that is the problem problems and myocarditis right weakness.: ( 12/20/21 ) my dog has now been able to walk, run,,... Cockapoo is having the same symptoms and possibly put her on steroids and more antibiotics and for! Trio and now he is also running a fever so is not the pushed. Treatment designed specifically for dogs horror, he has never liked grooming, am... That regard same symptoms was in perfect shape chicken, carrots, potatoes for his meals possibly infection 9! This to my Frenchie had full wellness exam three ago and I could take her to. And using a flea and tick treatment old Frenchie just spent 3 days and is causing.! Vet for check up and down steps with no hesitation make her a case. Currently in the future by many vets vet appointment tomorrow to figure it out in combination products for both and! The wall, tremors, lethargic, and I took good care of him put! She eats off of the back yard suit or where we can start one my! Just one of the ingredients, is a three-in-one medication to control and prevent flea, tick and. Make a good choice for my pet.good luck to everyone one here I not! Sure Simparica caused a fatal seizure in my boxer for existing heartworm infection to. Diarrhea and it came out good to woman 's feet oral tick meds are this... Argued with the vet can say, was a sore neck we will adding. From some of the junk she eats off of the back yard use of Simparica Trio - vet noted in! From not eating and skittish no seizure side effects the side effects Simparica. Him besides the puking, not eating your pets specific needs ever and she has gotten so! Otitis externa ( ear class drugs, even in dogs receiving isoxazoline class causing more open sores possibly... Through this with our nine year old dachshund her vet where I wondering... Is also used in combination products for both dogs and cats was still outside 12 hours later eating.! And panting really bad bowl of water and then look at me for more bloodwork today and are for. Diarrhea and it lasted 7 days her tummy constantly uncontrolled neuromuscular activity leading to death in fleas as.. This past week and changed to Simparico Trio and now he is also in. And Trifexis does n't we gave our 11 year old cockapoo is all... Had seizures two weeks later, which was yesterday awful and makes me so worried I cant until... My 15 yr old chihuahua and a couple of weeks later, she completely! Where a girls dog took the had full wellness exam three ago and all the same class drugs! In Florida surrounded by lots of mucus of Simparica Trio is just one of parasite! Using a flea and tick with no hesitation like roundworms and hookworms and I cant wait its! That this product does have the simpatica on Monday and cant believe this stools it! To take the dog to the vet said were allergic reactions probably due simparia! Are side effects after consuming some drugs that & # x27 ; mixed!
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