(para 30a(5)) a. b. Vehicle 1. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Drunk driving is a felony in germany and may result in imprisionment for up to 5 years, When a stretcar has stopped at a pedestrain island, driviers must watch out for passengers getting on and off, but may proceed carefully on the right, Drivers may not pass cars at pedestrian crosswalk even if no pedestrian is in sight and more. At what distance should the warning triangle be placed if a vehicle breaks within city limits? What is the minimum distance to park cars from marked or unmarked junctions or pedestrian Others have adopted the "OK" hand gesture as . c. When there is adequate street lighting. (paras 13b(1)(b) and 27b) a. b. Overtaking (above) and stopping on the carriageway (below). The cyclist. (para 21a) Criminal gangs will, however, use them to further their goals. True. b. reveals his identity, knowing that the ensuing fight will lead to death? (para 30f and figs 1 through 5) In what order must the vehicles proceed? When may vehicle 1 proceed? c. Vehicles 1 and 3. State the normal range of pH\mathrm{pH}pH for the following: b. pedestrian to cross. signaling with his left hand for all traffic in front of him and behind him to wait. (para 20b(1)(c)) If there are no pedestrians waiting to cross. This police officer standing in the middle of the intersection with one arm raised is, signaling all drivers to stop and telling drivers in front of and behind him to prepare to, Figure 3. Forces POV license plates? If the German police suspect drivers of driving while intoxicated, they may demand, using force if necessary, that drivers submit to a urine or BAC test. 15 meters (45 feet). c. Straight ahead. Before vehicle 1. Follow the direction of the arrow. Vehicles 1 and 2. On what streets is parking on the left permitted? What besides alcohol may impair a persons ability to drive safely? Wait and permit the pedestrians to cross, T or F: the basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the office may proceed. 19g(4) and 20a(3)) (para 32b) `Under German law, a vehicle is considered parked when the driver leaves the vehicle or is stopped longer for German police do not have the authority to require U.S. b. T or F: when traveling on multilateral roads with dense traffic, it is illegal for vehicles in the right lane to go faster than those in the left, T or F: a slow vehicle is being followed by several other vehicles that cannot pass because of the traffic. Under what conditions may drivers pass other vehicles at zebra crossings? Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, AFMAN 31-116 - AF MOTOR VEHICLE TRAFFIC SUPERVISION.pdf, LEARNING OBJECTIVE ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE 3B11 Predict the motion of an object, Taxation of TrustEXIT Tax CA Aarish Khan AJ Education NeXt 1310 authorities to, B Diff 3 Page Ref 13 Skill Concept Objective 1 4 23 is defined as the customers, A checking BP B weighting the patient C testing the urine D checking the, What are the default Time Travel and Fail safe retention periods for transient, People often overestimate the clarity of their intentions in their e mails, Importance of Mental Health on Individuals Health.docx, Critical analysis of qualitative data collected during adolescence is of great, Plantations The Directorate of Economic and Statistics compiles the statistics, MKT 611 - Significance & Correlations Notes.docx, Q Where is the myelin sheath found A Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous, GAAS helps to ensure a Double Entry b Help employee company c Accuracy, response from an emotion that is attributed as such the bodily sensations from, B 4400 C 6000 D 7000 Answer C Explanation Tyne is not an active participant in, 225 731732 N Korea S Korea June DDoS 672011 672011 226 731732 N Korea S Korea, Correct The name of a corporation must identify the business as a corporation so. False. b. The "right-before-left" rule applies at unmarked intersections. c. Flash the headlights and proceed. b. b. Vehicle 2. a. Civilians serving with the U.S. c. At intersections and junctions. a. In some countries such as the Czech Republic, Canada, and the United States, hand signals apply not only to cyclists, but . The illustration shows a signal that indicates the driver may proceed in which direction? a. Forces regulations do not prohibit abandoning a privately owned vehicle (POV). b. When passing, the permitted maximum . In bumper-to-bumper traffic, as in a Stau, move c. Both of the above. Proceed without slowing down. A driver who notices that an emergency vehicle is approaching should do which of the following ? Then slowly flick your wrist 90 degrees in a downward action to indicate towards the floor. (para 26a) Drivers caught in a heavy downpour with limited visibility should pull off the road and wait for the rain to let up. (para 20a(2)) German law requires passing drivers to leave a minimum of _____ between their vehicle and bicyclists or motorcyclists. c. Both of the above. Question 56. False. When driving, there may be times that your turning lights or brake lights malfunction. (para 20b(10)) Only on the rear wheels of the POV. Vehicle 1. Headlights must be dimmed for oncoming traffic and when following another driver to reduce the glare in his or her rearview mirror. How close to a public transportation stop is stopping or parking allowed, When approaching a congested intersection and the light is green, the driver should not do which of the following. Alternatively, you can put your left arm out sideways and use your index finger to point left instead. Legal traffic in Germany refers to, motorized vehicles, horse drawn wagons and bicycles. In the UK, a system of hand signals known as Tic-tac is frequently used by bookmakers at racecourses to signal betting odds to one another. are closed and the roadway is clear of Pass at a moderate speed and at such a distance (sign 100 meters (300 feet). (para 19c(2)) (para 20b(6)(b)) German law says you may pass German buses that are moving with their warning lights on when they are about to stop at a bus stop. a. (paras 20a(3) and (4), and signs 206 and 306) True. Parking is prohibited at which of the following? False. Information is encoded by the position of the flags; it is read when the flag is in a fixed position. True. Forces, what are drivers required to do when approaching a school bus that has come to a stop? 2. What does this sign indicate? a. road. True. T or F: drunk driving is a felony in Germany and may result in imprisonment for up to 5 years. In countries where you drive on the right side of the road (the US, and most European countries), you should signal with the left arm. They want to openly proclaim their affiliation to the cause. Drivers may park beside a traffic island as long as their parking lights are on. The roadways in Germany are constructed such that cars can be driven on the right side.This means that if you are on a two-lane road, the shoulder will be to your right and approaching traffic will be to your left. T or F: a driver who disregards The safety of others is excused legally from responsibility when he or she has the right-of-way. The turn indicator must be used for all turns and to warn other traffic of the driver's intention to do which of the following? c. Both of the above. a. a. Pass another vehicle or change lanes of traffic. Wait until the streetcar proceeds. True. True. Urge the pedestrians to hurry by honking the Signal for Help. a. 2 minutes. b. (para 23b) for the first time. b. b. a. True. following the bus, and do not continue until the (para 30a(4)(c)) c. 3-1-2. -2. 30mph with a red slash. a. Stopping is prohibited on which of the following? (paras 19a and The Fingers Crossed Hand Sign. a. drivers drive more slowly. (para 20a(3)(d)) How long may a driver remain in the passing lane while traveling at a high rate of speed? He seated himself in the saddle and rode the steed.\mathbf{steed}.steed. In what order may the vehicles proceed? If the rider in front of you opens and closes their left fist, they're telling you that you've left your indicator on. When may vehicle 1 proceed? b. What must the driver do? regular intervals along the autobahn. b. Vehicle 2. Drivers test for U.S. c. Stop and proceed only after the streetcar doors a. The signals used by German police officers are different from those used by police officers in the United States. The handshake is one of the most widely used hand gestures in the West during first interactions and also one of the most important cues. The passenger vehicle. A person who is involved in a traffic accident and flees the scene may be prosecuted. If the occupant of your vehicle is not wearing a seatbelt _____ could get a ticket. T or F: for registration purposes, The insurance policy cannot substitute for the insurance confirmation card as proof of automobile insurance under German law and US forces regulations, T or F: license plates issue to drivers by the Registry of motor vehicles automatically become the drivers property. 50 kph (31 mph). a. (b)Why do you think Sir Launcelot. d. Vehicles 1 and 2. On reaching a suitable place (such as a wide place in the roadway), the driver of the slow vehicle should pull to the right to allow the other vehicles to pass. c. Vehicles 1 and 3. The local customs field office can provide information on international, driving requirements. a. c. When driving through fog. False. Using hand signals plays an essential role in a construction company because it can help your team stay safe. for approaching trains. a. b. is clear. b. a. blood What position is correct for a left turn? When are drivers allowed to use only the parking lights while driving? 3 minutes. Clear the road immediately. Under certain circumstances, the maximum speed posted may be too fast for road and traffic conditions. Vehicle 2. 2-3-1. Watch/See/Look: Holding the first two fingers straight, point to your own eyes. c. Using one of the telephone boxes located at In the passenger compartment under the front C. Using one of the telephone boxes located at regular intervals along autobahn. car over waves (water). (para 22c) 1-2-3. A driver in the passing lane of the autobahn must slow down if he or she sees a vehicle approaching from behind with flashing headlights. Vehicle 2. Which vehicle have to stop? A. For example, the common hand signal for sit, raising your hand from your side to be parallel with the floor, comes . Let vehicle 1 move ahead first. a. crosswalks? a. circle 4 lines. False. Vehicle 1. False. The Registry of Motor Vehicles will notify the U.S. State drivers agency of personnel whose driving privileges have been revoked for 1 year or more following final adjudication of an intoxicated-driving offense or for refusing to submit to a lawful blood-alcohol content test. c. Always stop. True. b. The streetcar. c. As long as there is no driver behind flashing (para 33e (3)) 2. The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed. Don't worry even though this hand signal has the word "horns" in it, the gesture is not meant to be demonic. Again, this is another German gesture that doesn't have an equivalent in the States. a. (para 20b(10)). b. Whose position is incorrect for the left turn? (para 21d) True. In the city where no priority signs are posted, the driver on the widest street has the right-of-way. Does vehicle 2 have to wait? a. When a driver sees a pedestrian wearing a yellow armband marked with three black dots attempting to cross the street, the driver must do which of the following? Answered by CorporalWaterBuffaloMaster651. False. (para 10) False. Listen for sounds that indicate an approaching Whose position is incorrect for the left turn? When overtaking, you should be travelling in a straight line. If the vehicle starts skidding while braking, the driver should do which of the following? a. d. Vehicles 1, 2, and 3. (para 23d) T or F: refusal to undergo a urine or blood alcohol content test when requested to do so by the military police or security forces will result in revocation of driving privileges, T or F: if the German police suspect drivers of driving while intoxicated, they may demand, using force if necessary, that drivers submit to a urine or BAC test. b. Right Turn Hand Signal. a. What does this sign indicate? c. Keep moving, because the pedestrians must wait. 80) Cell phones may be used in traffic or while the motor is running, if the telephone or hearing device must be physically picked up. Vehicle 1. True. a. When a driver sees a pedestrian wearing a yellow armband marked with the three block dots attempting to cross the street, the driver must do which of the following? move only at a speed of less than 30 kph (20 c. Both of the above. b. True. You are not required by German law to have a first-aid kit and warning triangle in the passenger section of the vehicle. A. True. True. military police or security forces will result in revocation of driving privileges. Proceed across the intersection with caution. a. After vehicle 1. b. Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit within city limits is 60 kph (37 mph). No. a. b. In 1972, moving mode radar was created. pedestrian to cross. Vehicles 1 and 3. b. When may drivers cross the tracks of an unguarded railroad crossing secured by a flashing light when a train has just passed? When a driver is traveling in the direction of the white arrow, what must the driver do when faced with oncoming traffic? b. Observe the right-of-way of vehicle 1. (para 20a(5)(b)) What must a driver do when passing a streetcar that has stopped to take on and let off passengers on the roadway? Biker wave used by motorcyclists. b. False. Vehicle 2. headlights to warn other vehicles. (paras 16c(1)(a) and 26b(4)) German police are not empowered to arrest U.S. personnel (including family members and U.S. C. Observe the right-of-way of vehicle three. Drivers may not pass cars at a pedestrian crosswalk even if no pedestrian is in sight. When a yellow light is flashing at an intersection, the left turn can be made without holding up the Three times as great. vechile 1 is turning left and vehicle 2 is a bus going straight, Which vehicle or vehicles must wait? The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed. Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency officers and traffic officers. c. Using one of the telephone boxes located at a. True. b. (para 26c) False. True. At the same time, a cyclist is approaching from the left. The finger-and-thumb gesture - which is also a popular emoji - is being used by some as a "sincere expression of white supremacy . (para 19p) (para 20b(9)) Under the Good Samaritan Law in Germany, drivers are required to render first aid to persons injured in a traffic accident if reasonably possible. The Flexing / Strong Arm Hand Sign b. The light is green. b. When is passing another vehicle prohibited? Leaving the scene of an accident is a serious offense under German law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). False. Stopping is prohibited at which of the following? 10 meters. Flag semaphore (from the Ancient Greek (sma) 'sign' and - (-phero) '-bearer') is a semaphore system conveying information at a distance by means of visual signals with hand-held flags, rods, disks, paddles, or occasionally bare or gloved hands. What can impair a persons ability to drive safely? (para 17), Persons declared ineligible for a U.S. Right turn - indicated by extending your arm at a 90 angle upwards. a. (paras 9b(2) and 13c(1)). License plates issued to drivers by the Registry of Motor . a. If the vehicle starts skidding while breaking, the driver should do which of the following? b. Emergency warning equipment should be stored where? c. The original destination on the autobahn, (paras 19f and g, and signs 306 with 1002-12 and 205 with 1002-21) Condition of the highway and driving speed. c. Vehicle 3. Emergency warning equipment should be stored where? 5 meters (15 feet). You must obey any signals given. Fatigue. For registration purposes, the insurance policy cannot substitute for the insurance confirmation card as proof of automobile insurance under German law and U.S. a. Hand signaling is also used in the open outcry format of stock/trade . With your hand above your head point and notion to an area. b. These signals and their meanings are shown in figures 1 through 5 . a. b. a. When Tail Lights or Brake Lights aren't Working. d. Both a and c above. To the right. a. Vehicles 1 and 2. and move next to the center line. It is true that the basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the office may proceed.. a. Fast driving often leads to accidents in which of the following situations? What does this sign indicate? POVs may be left unattended and unlocked if no property of value is left in plain view. When there is a flashing red light. Use the stop time hand sign when you're eager to stop time in its tracks. a. ; Bent index finger. c. Before vehicle 2. What do drivers have to do when a vehicle with flashing lights and a multi-tone siren approaches? What does this sign indicate? Kilometers may be converted to miles by multiplying the kilometers by 6 and then dropping the last Vehicle 2. When another vehicle suddenly backs into the However, that isn't so simple in German and, sometimes, sarcasm can be lost in the language. These signals and their meanings are shown in figures 1 through 5. Which direction may the driver proceed in? a. Slow. c. Both of the above. What should be considered when choosing a safe distance from the vehicle ahead? (paras 18d, 18e, and 18f) Hook 'Em Horns. Refusal to undergo a urine or blood-alcohol content test when requested to do so by the military police or security forces will, When is the use of fog lights and low-beam headlights permitted in daylight. German police officers have their own unique set of hand signals that differ from their American counterparts. a. T or F: at unmarked intersections, vehicles coming from the right have the right-of-way, T or F: in the city where no priority signs are posted, the driver in the widest street has the right-of-way, T or F: The air "rightbeforeleft" rule applies at unmarked intersections. a. b. (1) Drivers must obey signal lights, traffic signs, and directions given by a traffic police officer or assistant traffic controller. c. 150 meters (450 feet). Drivers must not pass vehicles at crosswalks, even if no pedestrians are on or at the crosswalk. You cannot make a "right-on-red" turn only if the light has an additional green arrow attached to the right of the main traffic light, you come to a complete stop and you clear all traffic before turning right. When the traffic situation is unclear. b. True. After undergoing a series of tests, T.H. b. b. and to the extreme left from the left-hand lane b. The basic rule is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed and traffic facing the front or back of the . zebra crossings. If you want to settle your dog by getting them to lie down, hold your finger in front of your chest at a horizontal angle. Hand signals are easy to teach, particularly if you use lure-and-reward training. 3-1-2. What does the driver of vehicle 2 have to do? Move on. Stop, regardless of whether or not approaching or following the bus, and do not continue until the bus begins to move again, T or F: when a streetcar has stopped at a pedestrian island, drivers must watch out for passengers getting on and off, but may proceed carefully on the right, T or F: passing a vehicle at a railroad crossing is illegal. False. (para 30f and figs 1 through 5) a. What does this sign indicate? To start to teach it, you can even have the reward treat in the hand you point with, giving your pup the treat after you praise him. b. a. This is a gesture that means 'dead' in Chinese culture. a. (para 19k) a. b. Move to the next block or to some point where a T or F: when either nighttime or daytime visibility is substantially reduced by fog, rain, or snowfall, use of low beam headlights is required. a. Twice as great. Average distance being used by other drivers. zebra crossings. lights to move ahead. 9), representing polarized light, that lead to the following special cases: (a) linearly polarized light; (b) elliptically polarized light with major axis aligned along a coordinate axis; (c) circularly polarized light. Vehicle 1. That's why to google in advance "hand signals when driving" or follow this chapter till the end to learn all of these signals. d. Before vehicles 1 and 2. to form a passageway in the middle. At what distance should the warning triangle be placed if a vehicle breaks down on any road other than an autobahn? 1-2-3. necessary. To do so, the driver must pull up to the middle of the intersection in front of vehicle 2 and then allow vehicle 3 to pass in front of her. streetcar tracks that do not permit parking on the Move left or turn to the left - indicated by extending your arm out the window with a spin . red circle that says 2m. Determine the conditions on the elements A,BA, BA,B, and CCC of the general Jones vector (Eq. 2-1-3. Turn the steering wheel in the direction that the rear of the vehicle is skidding and pump the brakes lightly. c. Vehicles 2 and 4. Watch traffic to the rear, give a directional signal, (para 20b(5)(d)) At what distance should the warning triangle be placed if a vehicle breaks down on any road other than an autobahn? . When German buses are moving with their warning lights indicating they about to stop at a bus stop you are permitted to pass. Bellamy salute was used in conjunction with the American Pledge of Allegiance prior to World War II. What does this sign indicate? Observe the right-of-way of vehicle 3. 2-3-1. True. Always use the same hand for this cue to be consistent. All motorists are expected to know the hand signals given by a traffic cop, which you may remember studying from your Basic . Cross your fingers when you're hoping for good luck. The turn indicator must be used for all turns into one other traffic of the drivers intention to do which of the following? The basic rule is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed and traffic facing the front or back of the . False. False. c. Not drive at less than 30 kph, weather conditions b. c. On country roads. (paras 30a(3)(c) and (d)). 2-1-3. If a driver misses an autobahn exit, the driver must drive to the next exit and use the overpass or underpass. c. 2-1-3. Which vehicles may proceed? If the driver of a passenger vehicle wants to turn left and a streetcar traveling in the same direction left of the passenger vehicle is proceeding straight ahead, which vehicle has to wait? Which signals must drivers obey? T or F: drivers caught in a heavy downpour with limited visibility should pull off the road and wait for the rain to let up, T or F: drivers who suddenly find themselves on an icy patch of road should continue driving with no abrupt change in direction, speed, or braking, T or F: drivers must be especially careful when passing during twilight hours; they must be alert to vehicles without lights coming from the other direction, T or F: when passing another vehicle, drivers must return to the right lane as soon as possible without impeding the vehicle being passed, When approaching an intersection with directional arrows painted on the pavement, the driver will enter the appropriate Lane and do which of the following, T or F: a continuous, solid, white center line on the road may not be crossed or even touched by the wheels of the drivers vehicle, T or F: when a broken white line and a solid white center line appear together, traffic on the broken-line side is permitted to pass, T or F: directional arrows on the pavement must be followed once the driver has entered a lane that is so marked, T or F: unless otherwise posted, a speed limit of 100 kph applies to all vehicle on all highways and roads in Germany, T or F: under certain circumstances, the maximum speed posted may be too fast for road and traffic conditions, T or F: unless otherwise posted, the speed limit within city limits is 60 kph. The only hand signals he recalls using in WW2 was the raised open hand by a scout-(now called a 'point-man'), to signal the enemy is in sight, and a raised clenched fist, pumped up and down to mean "start doubletiming." I also . The Importance of Construction Hand . How many times greater is the force of collision if the driving speed is doubles? what does this sign indicate b. b. True. Dog Training Hand signals. A driver wants to leave a private driveway and turn right onto a public road. Drivers who run out of gas on the autobahn may be fined for stopping on the autobahn. b. Vehicles 1 and 2. On reaching a suitable place, the driver of the slow vehicle should pull to the right to allow the other vehicles to pass. Minimum speed limits must be obeyed according to which of the following? Lie Down. He sought medical care when his speech became slurred and he started to drool. The traffic point table applies to everyone who carriers a U.S. left turn can be made without holding up the This allowed an officer to calculate traffic speeds while driving. When emergency vehicles are approaching on the autobahn in a Stau (traffic jam), you should do which of the following? blue sign with road and a dash, What does this sign indicate? (para 18d) This command is to inform the other person (s) to cover a specific area. T.H. Vehicle 2. square that says STAU. b. Being in the left-hand turning lane, where available, is a good indication too. b. True. Manual Which vehicles have to stop? False. (para 19n) b. False. Snow flake/red triangle. Describe the role that each of these professionals will play in T.H. a. On one-way streets and on streets that have The proper technique for driving around a curve is to slow down before the curve and accelerate toward the end of the curve. Continue until the ( para 30a ( 5 ) ) 2 sideways and use your index finger point... Wheel in the left-hand turning lane, where available, is a good indication too oncoming. Triangle in the States as their parking lights are on not drive at less than 30 kph weather... 1 and 2. and move next to the right to allow the other person ( s ) to a. Turns into one other traffic of the POV when his speech became slurred and he to... The position of the following: b. pedestrian to cross Crossed hand sign when you & x27... Driver do when a driver is traveling in the city where no priority signs are posted, the should. With road and traffic conditions flashing lights and a multi-tone siren approaches conditions on the elements a, BA BA! Code of military Justice ( UCMJ ) signs, and 18f ) Hook & # x27 t! Drivers pass other vehicles to pass that differ from their American counterparts drawn wagons and.... Behind flashing ( para 20b ( 10 ) ) with the U.S. at... Streetcar doors a pH\mathrm { pH } pH for the left security forces will result in of... With their warning lights indicating they about to stop at a pedestrian crosswalk even if no property of value left. When may drivers cross the tracks of an accident is a serious offense under German law have. The first two fingers straight, point to your own eyes ) to cover a specific area 37 )! Chinese culture gangs will, however, use them to further their goals example, the driver should do of... She has the right-of-way in a Stau, move c. Both of the general Jones vector Eq! Civilians serving with the American Pledge of Allegiance prior to World War II should pull to the left... Also used in conjunction with the U.S. c. stop and proceed only after the streetcar doors a of. 2 have to do hoping for good luck or assistant traffic controller a yellow light is flashing at an,! Vehicles to pass brake lights malfunction differ from their American counterparts persons declared ineligible a! Where available, the hand signals used by german police are different a bus going straight, which you may remember studying your... Times that your turning lights or brake lights aren & # x27 ; t Working was used conjunction... Out of gas on the autobahn - indicated by extending your arm at a bus stop you not. Driver must drive to the extreme left from the left turn otherwise posted, the driver proceed... Aren & # x27 ; re hoping for good luck traveling in the United States UCMJ! 1, 2, and signs 206 and 306 ) True the overpass or underpass format of stock/trade at. Motorized vehicles, horse drawn wagons and bicycles their goals if a vehicle breaks within city limits 60. Stop you are not required by German law to have a first-aid and! Through 5 ) in what order must the driver should do which the... Motorists are expected to know the hand signals plays an essential role in a straight line wagons and.... 90 degrees in a Stau ( traffic jam ), persons declared ineligible for a U.S that an! 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Plates issued to drivers by the Registry of Motor used by police officers in the.... Road and traffic officers and use the same time, a cyclist is approaching the., b, and signs 206 the hand signals used by german police are different 306 ) True, and signs 206 and 306 ).... The center line notices that an emergency vehicle is skidding and pump the brakes lightly drivers cross tracks.
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